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Instafrenchie vs OVB

Instagram automation agency, how to choose?

3x more

The automation market in France is not very competitive, because it requires a technical base and long-standing expertise to be able to be operated correctly.

There are very few agencies that can help you manage your Instagram account properly. Newcomer on the market, the OVB agency offers now automation to its customers.

He can exist differences and disparities in the quality of the services offered. In order to support you in the search for your trusted partner, we offer you a methodical analysis on the various points that differentiate us from the competition.

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Agence OVB vs Instafrenchie

Automation market OVB agency vs Instafrenchie

Discover how Instafrenchie is positioned compared to the OVB agency in terms of price, performance, quality of followers, customer follow-up and security. Make the right choice for your growth on Instagram.

instafranchie VS OVB comment choisir ?
instafranchie VS OVB comment choisir ?
240€ to 576€
130€ to 230€
Quality of followers
Customer follow-up
Live Dashboard
3/6/12 month commitment
100% non-binding formula
3 years
5 years

The OVB agency vs Instafrenchie

Prices and formulas

The OVB agency offers a decreasing price system, based on a long-term commitment on the part of the customer.

For a commitment ranging from 3 to 12 months, there are price ranges ranging from 180€ HT/month to 420€ HT/month.
All of their prices are exclusive of tax. With a similar commitment, that is to say for one month, prices are on average 2.5 times higher at Agence OVB, which offers a positioning well above the market.
Offering formulas makes it possible to ensure loyalty on the part of the client, who will therefore be bound to the agency by a contract of intent and duration.
instafranchie VS OVB comment choisir ?
Discover our prices
At Instafrenchie, we are committed to offering the right price to automate your account.
Better than trying to engage customers on formulas, our price part is to leave you in control And to leave you the choice at any time to cancel your engagement with us.
There are three formulas at OVB that are similar at different speeds and guarantees. With us, no promo code or discount, but a fair positioning, because certain of the benefits for the customer.

With Instafrenchie

Two clear formulas
Simplicity & Performance
100% without commitment

With OVB

Long-term commitments
Complex set lots of offers
Contract between the agency and the client
Price well above the market
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The safety

Instafrenchie customers are happy with their experience. They benefit from a rapid return on investment, better engagement with their audience, and excellent customer service.
As Instagram has started to harden its stance against automation, there is a high risk of experiencing security measures. At Instafrenchie, we have a safer and more beneficial alternative. With Instafrenchie, vYour Instagram account is developed 100% organically, allowing you to get increased exposure, more likes and followers, without running the risk of being banned.
We work with 2 of the 3 largest French community management agencies for which we automate more than 1200 accounts.
This is why we must offer the most secure automation on the market.

With Instafrenchie

A unique technology
+ than 1300 accounts without blocking
No bans

With OVB

Few market setbacks
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OVB vs Instafrenchie

Performance & Customer Care

La performance is a key step in choosing your business partner. When doing automation, performance is the result of several parameters, namely:
Your follow/unfollow speed
The number of initial followers
Your ability to create content on a regular basis and to use the right formats
The quality of the targets chosen
At Instafrenchie, we know all this, which is why we support you at each stage, through post-automation advice, the definition of objectives, or support in the choice of sources (target account).
We manage all of our accounts on a daily basis, by changing the sources, by applying follow multiplier coefficients according to the quality of the target source.
Recently, and for the needs of our agencies, we created the first platform to monitor our automation in real time. It's very simple, this platform connected via API to our servers allows you to see all the actions carried out behind the accounts in real time. We did this in order to be transparent to our customers.
We are not selling you the moon, but we are sure of what we offer. The results will arrive on your account sooner or later, because everything is closely monitored by our teams who will always be there for you.

With Instafrenchie

Daily optimization
Support in choosing targets
Real-time tracking platform

With OVB

Follower promise (followers falsely guaranteed)
No real-time tracking

Why do users prefer instafrenchie?

With Instafrenchie

Meet real users
Get followers who are committed to your content
It is the simplest solution on the market
Target followers based on their position, tastes, and more
instafranchie VS OVB comment choisir ?
Discover our formulas